Minimalistisch, aber oho, so romantisch ist dieses Hochzeitsvergnügen, mit Gänsehautbildern von Nordica Photography. Die Highschool-Sweethearts Sandy und Marc hatten es nie eilig, zu heiraten, aber mit dem Heiratsantrag in 2011, war die Freude auf die Hochzeit nicht nur übergroß, es stand auch recht schnell fest, dass es für ihren Tag keinen schöneren Platz der Erde geben kann, als das charmante Häuschen aus dem Familienbesitz der Braut in dem kleinen Fischerdorf Valun, welches an der kroatischen Küste gelegen ist.
Und so reisten alle Gäste aus der ganzen Welt an, um diese unvergessliche Zeit der Beiden so ausgelassen wie nur möglich, zu feiern. Und das Schönste daran, völlig stressfrei und entspannt vergingen die Stunden des Tages – es war Urlaubsstimmung pur, genau wie es sich das Brautpaar vorstellte. Für noch mehr Stimmung sorgte dann ein Boot, welches die Gäste nach der Trauung an einen privaten Strand brachte und glaubt es oder nicht, sogar ein schwimmender Pokertisch trug zur fröhlichen Unterhaltung bei. Was uns angeht, so sind wir total verliebt in diese Art Hochzeit und hoffen, dass sie euch von eventuellen Sorgen eurer vielleicht geplanten Destination-Hochzeitsplanung befreien wird. Seid inspiriert!
Even though the day of the wedding started with a massive thunderstorm in the early morning hours and making everyone quite nervous as there was no backup plan in case of rain, the sun came out the minute the bride left the house to the church! After a short and hot morning ceremony in a small church 20 meters from the sea (with almost all villagers attending and one of the couple’s friends – a musical star – performing 3 acapella songs), the wedding party stepped out to blue skies and sunshine and enjoyed a light lunch and drinks on the terrace of the ocean-front restaurant.
High school sweethearts Marc & Sandy met more than 15 years ago in Germany and even though they were never in a hurry to get married, they knew that they wanted to have their wedding as close to the sea and as relaxed as possible. So they turned their wedding into a mini holiday to have more time to spend with all of their friends and family than on a one-day event.
Marc proposed to Sandy on top of the Harbour Bridge in Sydney, Australia in 2011, their home for the last five years. But to make it easier for their friends and family to travel from the US, Brazil and Europe (poor Australian friends!), they chose the tiny fishermen’s village of Valun on the island of Cres in Croatia as their location. Valun has a special meaning to both of them as part of Sandy’s family is from Croatia and Marc & Sandy had spent many vacations in Sandy’s family holiday home in Valun over the past years and could even see themselves retiring on the island one day. Wedding preparations weren’t easy, especially because the couple moved to Muscat, Oman shortly before the wedding, so almost everything was ordered online or organized with the family’s help. The dress was custom-made by a small boutique outside of Sydney and travelled on 4 different planes to Croatia, the rings, shoes and decoration items were ordered from Israel, the U.S., Turkey and the U.K., the flowers were arranged by a local shop in Mali Losinj a few days before the wedding and the menu was vague enough to be changed on the wedding date itself, depending on the catch of the day.
In the early afternoon, fishermen boats picked up all guests and brought them to a small bay for a beach party with DJs, cold beers and Mojitos as well as lots of floating devices (including a highly popular floating poker table). After spending the afternoon at the beach, everyone returned for coffee and cake back on the restaurant’s terrace.
While most guests took a nap or shower and got changed for dinner, the couple drove to magical Lubenice, a 4,000 year old clifftop stone village (with currently 6 inhabitants – all of them aged 75 and above), for their sunset photo session. This was followed by a fresh seafood dinner and a party until sunrise, with the groom jumping into the harbour on his way home.
Unfortunately the party was so long and loud that the cars of the couple and family had scratches and no air in the tyres the next morning, but oh well, it was worth it. The following days were spent chilling on the beach and partying on at the bride’s family home with barbecues.
Oh ich war schon länger nicht mehr auf eurem Blog und hab so einiges verpasst. Was für eine schöne Hochzeit mit unglaublich tollem Flair. Ich weiß nicht, woran es liegt, aber diese Hochzeit hat etwas Anziehendes an sich!
Liebe Grüße, Irina