Der blaue Pettikot Ein Hauch von vintage, Hochzeiten, romantisch süß Farben

Die vier Fotokünstler von Feather and Stone Photography aus Australien, begeistern uns schon seit einer langen Weile, mit ihren atemberaubenden Hochzeitsreportagen und es scheint, als würden sie immer die süßesten Hochzeitspaare begleiten mit den traumhaftesten Details. Brautpaare wie Eliza und Alex sind verrückt nach dem originellen Bilderstil des Viererteams, so wie wir auch.

Aber diese vintage gestylte Hochzeit am St. Kilda Pier in Melbourne (Australien) hat uns mehr als sprachlos gemacht, in dem Moment, wo wir die Braut und ihr Hochzeitskleid sahen. Ein blauer Pettikot, so wunderschön und flauschig – du lieber Himmel – am liebsten möchten wir uns darin verstecken und nicht wieder rauskommen. Eliza mit all ihrer Perfektion zum Detail ist eine echte Traumbraut und erst die Hochzeit. Braut, Bräutigam und Gäste genossen die ungezwungene und relaxte Athmosphäre während der gesamten Hochzeitsfeier und all die fantastischen vintage Details, die geniale Location und die grenzenlose Romantik, sind nicht sehr hilfreich unsere Glückhormone im Griff
zu halten.

Wir haben das Gefühl, ihr werdet diese Hochzeit genauso lieben wie wir und sie immer wieder aufs Neue mit euren Augen verschlingen. Deshalb haben wir so viele Bilder und Details wie nur möglich am Start…

Eliza und Alex's Hochzeit in Melbourne von Feather and Stone Photography

Eliza und Alex's Hochzeit in Melbourne von Feather and Stone Photography

Eliza und Alex's Hochzeit in Melbourne von Feather and Stone Photography

Eliza und Alex's Hochzeit in Melbourne von Feather and Stone Photography

Eliza und Alex's Hochzeit in Melbourne von Feather and Stone Photography

Eliza und Alex's Hochzeit in Melbourne von Feather and Stone Photography

Eliza und Alex's Hochzeit in Melbourne von Feather and Stone Photography

Eliza und Alex's Hochzeit in Melbourne von Feather and Stone Photography

Eliza und Alex's Hochzeit in Melbourne von Feather and Stone Photography

Eliza und Alex's Hochzeit in Melbourne von Feather and Stone Photography

Die Braut erzählt:

Unsere Inspiration:
During our engagement, I was working in an environment where I saw many many divorcing couples who were going through very difficult separations. It’s hard to get really girly and over the top about a wedding while seeing how many people’s weddings don’t ultimately result in lasting, happy marriages, even though the wedding world promotes the dream that they all do. This meant that I never felt particularly “romantic” (in a Hollywood sense) about being engaged and I was never emotionally invested in having a “dream wedding” – for me, the romantic part about being engaged was planning for a solid, loving committed marriage. We both really saw our engagement as a time to work on our joint values together and think about the way we would make decisions about our shared life once we were married. We really did plan the wedding together – there was nothing about which we didn’t ultimately mutually agree. (This wasn’t always easy! But it was worth it.)

Start in den Hochzeitstag:
Alex and I spent the morning of the wedding day together doing one of our favourite things – visiting our local farmers market. It’s a five minute walk from our house, and even though it was still raining, we just grabbed umbrellas and raincoats and headed out. We ate egg and bacon rolls in turkish bread and wandered about picking up gourmet cheeses, olives and olive oil to take on our honeymoon, as well as a big bunch of creamy roses. By the time we were back at home and I’d put the flowers in a vase, it was time to start getting ready! It was wonderful to spend the morning together doing something that we know we love – it was the perfect thing to do, as we knew it would centre us and be a relaxing, fun time.

Kleine Überraschungen:
One surprise was that the colony of penguins that sometimes lives behind the restaurant came out during the night – lots of our guests left the venue to go around the back and see if they could spot any penguins!

Unsere Hochzeitsfotos:
When we received the photos after the wedding, I couldn’t quite believe it – having them photograph our wedding was a dream come true even before we received the photos that came out of it – but receiving those photos was like holding the dream in my hands. They were unobtrusive – almost invisible! – while taking the photos, and yet the end product was absolutely spectacular. They captured a million perfect candid moments. We could not love our photos more.

We knew what we wanted out of our wedding before we even told anyone we were engaged – to get married in our backyard with just close family and friends in a fun, relaxed party atmosphere. But we live in an apartment, and we don’t have a backyard – we spend most of our outdoors time wandering around St Kilda or riding our bikes. Thankfully (after so much searching) the perfect location presented itself: Little Blue. It is a gorgeous indoor/outdoor vintage-styled restaurant that is right over the road from our house, at the end of the St Kilda Pier. This really set the tone for the day and meant that our wedding day felt just as we had wanted it to – like we were inviting our friends and family to share an almost-normal day in our lives. We didn’t want it to feel “wedding-y” and formal – rather, we wanted it to feel like an awesome party that was also personal and reflected our day to day values and choices. It didn’t make sense to us to apply different values to our wedding than we do to any other big life decision – so we didn’t. When making budgeting decisions, we prioritised having a wonderful celebrant (who we found in Sue Hamilton), great food, drinks and atmosphere for our guests, and memorable, beautiful photography. Everything else we chose, we tried to choose with ongoing use in mind, asking ‘would we wear/love it normally?’ Other than my wedding dress, I think just about everything we bought can and will be used again. (And I am still planning to find a way to wear my dress again!)

Ein weiteres Highlight gibt es noch zu erwähnen. Die vier mega-talentierten Fotografen von Feather and Stone kommen nach Europa!!! :) Fernando und Suzanne sind im April und Mai 2012 auf europäischer Entdeckungstour, gefolgt von Seth und Tenielle im Juli und August 2012.

Sie lieben alte Architektur und die historischen Städte Europas. Und erst die außergewöhnlichen Plätze um Hochzeiten zu feiern. Ein altes Schloss, eine Burg, oder ein intimes Kloster!? Sie haben uns geflüstert, dass sie ihre Reisepläne noch sehr flexibel gestaltet haben und für alles Schöne und Aufregende offen sind. Seien es Hochzeiten, ausgeflippte Verlobungs- oder Portraitshootings…alles ist drin! Hmmm, würden wir in Deutschland sein zu dieser Zeit, hätten wir wohl schon zum Telefon gegriffen!

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